Ni har väl inte missat att jag kommer att vara där?!
Jag kommer att köra B.R.A.K Military Fitness på stora scenen, en gång om dagen med start fredagen kl.16.30

"I livets kamp är det inte kritikern som räknas.
Ej heller den som pekar ut den starke som snubblar eller den som utför stordåd,
men som kunde ha gjort bättre.
Förtjänsten hör till den som verkligen försöker;
vars ansikte är märkt av damm, svett och blod;
som kämpar djärvt; som gör fel och misslyckas gång på gång,
som kännetecknas av stor entusiasm och hängivenhet,
men som slåss för sina ideal;
som slutligen vet vad som kännetecknar en storartad prestation;
och som i sämsta fall, om han misslyckas,
åtminstone gör det medan han djärvt vågar,
så att hans plats aldrig kommer att vara
bland de likgiltiga och rädda själar som varken känner till seger eller nederlag"
..så låter jag gärna någon annan förklara det så att ni förstår..
“Are you single?”. No. I’m taken. I’m out of reach. You see, I’m married to my passion, married to my drive, married to my mission.
I am single and not looking. I do have my eyes open, or maybe should I say, my ears open, cause I trust what I hear more than what catches my eye.
When you’re married to passion, all you want is to please it. You nourish it, you water it, you feed it. All to see it bloom.
when you’re married to passion, you don’t day dream away about some intense amour, cause you know, that’s only temporary. What you have is deeper and attached to you, layer after layer into your soul.
When you’re married to passion, people want you to feel like you’re not complete. That you miss out, not getting all out of life. What they’re really feeling is they are missing out on what you have….
Just because life offers you many different bouquets of flowers you don’t need to embrace them. Some people love dandelions, not roses, and it doesn’t mean they’re poor, it means they are have other higher values than wanting what is pretty here and now.
When you go against the stream and choose less traveled roads, people will try to make you doubt. You’re a threat to the belief in conventions. You’re a threat to what we’re told to want and to desire.
When you’re married to passion you let go off all which interrupt and distract.
Our society builds upon people wanting to do the same thing. We are supposed to be wanting to be united with another as couples. We’re supposed to raise children. We’re supposed to settle down, see the kids grow up, get old and then say bye bye this was great. I know many people like knowing what’s in store for them. Well, I like not knowing! I thrive on knowing that tomorrow can be the last day, tomorrow can be the last time. It’s comfort not being able to take anything for granted, cause you appreciate it more. Every day you need to reevaluate, saying yes or no to your choices and actions. There is no time to be unfocused.
Suddenly you’re not rising anymore, suddenly all becomes yesterdays, not tomorrows.
When you’re married to passion you are married for life. It’s true love, it’s true commitment. Nothing you choose here and now, not tomorrow and forever. I married passion and I intend to so be for forever ever.